Fringe Science!

Weird scientific facts that sound unbelievable but that are, in actuality, true. 1. South Korean scientists put a jelly-fish gene into cloned puppies and made them glow in the dark. 2. Although we share 95% of our DNA with Chimpanzees we actually share 50% of our genetic code with a banana. 3. In the U.S.A. cloned animal food products passed FDA inspection and are FDA approved. 4. Denisova homini is a third species of humanoid after Neanderthals and Humans. 5. Black holes are real! 6. The human embryo goes through quite a surprising metamorphosis including developing gills, a tail, webbed fingers and toes, and a full coat of fur, among other traits, which it then sheds to become a fetus. 7. Traveling at the speed of light slows time down to a halt. It's also known as Einstein's special theory of relativity. 8. Using high intensity lasers physicists are bending space-time and attempting to send messages into the future, perchance to receive a message from the future! Gr...