I getz mailz
UPDATE*** Although I am still on Holiday, I thought I would share this brief bit of excitement with you all. On a friends blog, a person who shall remain anonymous, commented on how my friend (and atheists in general) ought to raise and educate their children. Upon finding out that this person had no kids of his own, I realized how condescending and arrogant it was to offer other parents advice on how to go about raising their own children. So I called him condescending and arrogant (you know, since that is what he was technically being--a class A--well--you get the idea). This is the reply he wrote: "That Tristan D. Vick must resort to obscene name calling to lend credence to his criticism." Yup. My criticism is all about the name calling. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that people who tell parents how to raise their own children (without ever having children of their own) are complete assholes . Also, later on in his rant against my observation of his...