1) Aren't there any worthy alternatives to living a good life without God? If not, how do you propose to test such a radical hypothesis? 2) How do you account for the incontrovertible discrepancies, historical inaccuracies, Biblical contradictions, as well as the redaction , typology , and the midrash so blatantly prevalent in the New Testament and yet continue to consider it an indispensable source for sustaining your faith? 3) Likewise, how can you discern anything about the nature of Jesus Christ when there is not a single viable strand of genuine extrabiblical evidence to tie him to the fabric of authentic history? 4) Unilaterally, you have suggested that “faith” in the existence of God is more than just a matter of “blind faith,” e.g. that it also rests upon genuine evidence, such as experiential knowledge, yet I have not seen you offer any examples which cannot be explained away by naturalistic means. So what firm evidence do you propose educated nonbelievers consider...