On the Abortion, Pro-life, and Pro-choice Debate: Some Questions

So you think abortion is murder do you? If so, then this post is for you! And I have some serious questions that I need to ask you regarding abortion. You say abortion is the deliberate taking of a helpless life, and that it equates to murder. This suggests to me that you take "life" to be sacred, correct? (Sanctity of life and all that jazz.) If so, let me ask you some questions that we must resolve before I take your claim serious. 1. Do you eat meat? Or isn't animal life sacred? If not, why not? Aren't animals part of God's creation just as humans are? 2. For that matter, how does one go about determining what is and isn't sacred? 3. You say abortion equates to murder. This is a legal term. I am curious, at what point do you consider a collection of living cells to become a "life" unto itself? 4. Do you think it's at conception? 5. If so, would it still be murder ...