Myth of the Historical Jesus (Revisited)
M yth of the Historical Jesus I have come to the following conclusion: Scholarship devoted to the question of the historicity of Jesus, while not a total waste of time, could be better spent gardening. Joseph R. Hoffmann Historically-Real Narrative In his book The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative: A Study in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Hermeneutics Christian theologian and scholar Hans Frei argues that questioning the historicity of the biblical documents in the modern era has led to the loss of the integrity of the narrative structure. Basically, in searching for the historical Jesus historians have moved away from the powerful message of the Gospel narrative and have supplanted it with a framework for a historical narrative. Consequently this has shifted meaning from the patterns and structure of the narrative itself to external references. Frei argues that this takes two forms. Those who argued for the historicity of the documents found meaning in the historical events ...