Not Giving a Fig!
Me not giving a fig. This year I stopped blogging about religion almost entirely. Well, for the most part anyway. I just ceased having any interest in it. The debates are worn out. The theistic arguments still lack any convincing or falsifiable evidence. The history is too well known to be ignorant of, especially with the existence of things like books and the Internet. Besides, all the debates sans Hitchens just aren't as fun to watch anymore. Religion is pretty much done for, if you ask me. Atheism is on the rise, and although there is a political area of interest here, beyond fighting the privileged religious classes so that others might be allowed the same privileges, it's just a stupid battle against self-entitled idiots as far as I'm concerned. Oops, there I go being negative again. Enough of that. Now I try to blog more about my perspective as a Freethinking, Atheist, Humanist, Critical Thinker, and Skeptic. I'm not good at any of these thing...