A Short Rant on Monogamy: Or the Dangers of Monogamous Marriage!
Pointing out that Monogamous marriage has the highest divorce rate of any marriage model is merely an incontrovertible fact. You may not like it, but it's true. It also suggests that maybe (maybe!) we shouldn't make monogamy the golden standard by which we value ours (or any other) relationships by and that perhaps (perhaps!) we shouldn't practice it at all (just a logical inference! Don't kill the messenger). Of course, if you want to be monogamous or are happily monogamous, that's fine. But there's nothing in human biology to suggest humans are truly monogamous or that monogamy is natural to us as a species. Our pair bonds are dependent on proximity and familiarity and do not share the permanent pair bonds that voles or ravens create. We are semi-monogamous, you might say. Kayt Sukel's research into this is quite revealing. https://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Minds-Brains-Influence-Relationships/dp/1451611552/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Our...